Did you happen to have a baby recently or are you taking care of a toddler that is starting to show his/her inborn nature?
Mom and dad become ideal parents when they know and understand the unique nature and tendencies of their child. Bringing up children to become happy, healthy and responsible individuals is not an easy task. The horoscope gives many clues about how to handle your child, also in difficult situations. It shows what kind of encouragement and confirmation your child needs in order to grow and be an harmonious adult.
Apart from answering these important questions, this life purpose reading of your child provides an overview over the sequential stages that he/she as an individual will go through.
From my perspective this is one of the most beautiful and useful services that I have to offer. It guarantees a significant increase of harmony in your family as a whole.
Costs: 175 Euro.
Usually, this consult takes the form of a two to two and a half hour talk, for which I thoroughly prepare myself. Alternatively I can make independently an audiotape of the life plan and life purpose of your dear one.