Just as a nation is governed and run by means of all the laws of the nation, which are contained in its constitution, so the universe is governed and run by all the Laws of Nature, which find their expression in the Veda and the Vedic Literature.
'The Veda and the Vedic Literature are the Constitution of the Universe'
In 1972, when Maharishi formulated his Science of Creative Intelligence,
he described the Rik Veda as the encyclopaedia of all knowledge of all the Laws
of Nature, and, as such, he designated it as the encyclopaedia of the Science
of Creative Intelligence.
The Rik Veda, world's most ancient textbook of knowledge and experience, cognized by seers, forms the source of the other three Vedas, namely Sama, Yajur and Atharvaveda. Furthermore, the six Vedangas or limbs of the Veda (Shiksha, Kalpa, Nirukta, Vyakarana, Chandas, Jyotish), are entirely based on Rik Veda, and form an elaboration and a commentary on the knowledge contained in Rik Veda in a very concentrated form.
The six Upavedangas (the six subordinate limbs of the Vedas) also called Upangas (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Karma Mimamsa, Vedanta) provide a commentary on the essence of the six Vedangas - they expound on the abstract principles underlying the practical values of the Vedangas.
The four Upavedas or subordinate Vedas, Sthapatyaveda (Vedic architecture), Dhanurveda (Vedic Science and art of defence), Gandharvaveda (Vedic Science and art of music), and Atharvaveda (the Vedic Science and art of creating an affluent society) are elaborating the practical technologies that are contained in the Rik Veda.
The Upanishads, Brahmanas and Aranyakas, respectively elaborate on the Absolute, the relative, and the lively link between the Absolute and the relative values of existence, contained in Rik Veda.
The Smritis, Puranas and the Itihasas, provide the fascinating, concrete examples and illustrations of the abstract principles of life and living, contained in Rik Veda.
The Pratishakhyas elaborate on the holistic, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent aspects of the structuring dynamics of consciousness, contained in Rik Veda.
Thus it is clear that Rik Veda is the main trunk
of knowledge, which spreads its fruit bearing branches in 26 directions.
"Ayam atma Brahma"
"This Self is Brahman"
(Ma. Up. 2).
"Aham Brahmasmi"
"I am Brahman"
(Br. Up. 1.4.10).
"Tat tvam asi"
"You are That (Brahman)"
(Chh. Up. 6.11).
"Sarvam khalvidam Brahma"
"All this is nothing but Brahman"
(Chh.Up. 3.14.1).
Each of the 40 aspects of Vedic Science is showing in its own way, that the source of all creation is our own consciousness. Traditionally, every branch of Vedic Science is said to be "Brahma vidya" - knowledge of the totality, knowledge of the universal consciousness. The omnipresent consciousness, by its internal dynamism, has structured the entire creation. Since time immemorial the Vedic Rishis and wise men have held that "from Veda comes Vishva" - from Veda stems the entire creation; the entire universe in all its multiplicity comes from the Veda.
In the Upanishads it is stated that the one universal consciousness thought to itself
"Eko'ham bahusyama"
"I am one, may I be many"
Consciousness, by reflecting upon its own universal
and almighty nature, is able to create everything by mere desiring, by mere
Thus, the Veda and the Vedic Literature are to be understood as the knowledge
of consciousness, knowing itself. Consciousness is the only element in creation
that knows itself. By being in constant interaction with itself, consciousness
knows everything about itself. And the 40 aspects of Vedic Science are the language
of consciousness speaking in itself, speaking to itself, and speaking about
Since consciousness is an eternal reality, it is traditionally held that the Vedas are "Nitya" (eternal) and "Apaurusheya" (not created by anyone). They are the self-generating expressions of pure knowledge, emerging spontaneously in "One unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion." Consciousness knows itself: Consciousness equates with knowledge. For that reason, it has organising power. Cosmic, all comprehensive consciousness possesses total and all-comprehensive knowledge and, for that reason, it has the capacity to create anything it wants, anything it conceptualises.
It is in this light that we can understand information theory saying that "knowledge has organising power." Traditionally, Vedic scholars have always distinguished two aspects to Vedic Science "Mantra" and "Brahmana." These terms stand for Pure Knowledge and its inherent organising power. The total knowledge of the Veda comprising the total knowledge of creation including past, present and future, has infinite organising power. And, as such, it has planned, designed and created the entire universe.
The fact that the Veda and Vedic Literature are eternal further implies that the sequence of the words constituting them is eternally fixed. And this absolute sequence forms the basis of the orderly development of every item in creation. This viewpoint on the Vedas and Vedic Literature is corroborated by the most advanced theories of quantum mechanics. There one speaks of the spontaneous, sequential, dynamical symmetry breaking, defined as the way in which the creation emerges out of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature.
From this it follows that all the knowledge of the entire Veda is contained in the first word and indeed even in the first letter of the Veda "A." The term "Apaurusheya Bhasya" further implies that it is a commentary provided by the structure of the Veda itself. The whole essence of the Apaurusheya Bhasya can therefore be summarised in the phrase: "Follow the sequence."
Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhasya has made clear to the world for the first time in the history of mankind that the sequence of the Vedic expressions is of an absolute significance. Only as such, the Veda can be understood as the blueprint of Creation, or as Maharishi formulated it in 1992, the Constitution of the Universe, containing the structuring dynamics of all the Laws of Nature that govern all evolutionary processes in the ever expanding universe.
All the Laws of Nature follow a fixed pattern and although the whole universe is one huge process of transformation on all levels, all the transformations are fixed - they all follow the cosmic plan. It is exactly this same cosmic plan that is laid down in the textbooks of the Veda and the 26 branches of Vedic Literature. The Veda and the Vedic Literature are nothing other than this "blueprint of creation," the textbook of nature, the master plan, providing us with an insight into the source, course and goal of the ever expanding universe.
Long before the automobile factory existed, the production line was designed in the mind of the engineer. The consciousness of the engineer interacts within itself. From this self-interacting dynamics of his consciousness, the engineer designed the production line in its entirety. Still working within his consciousness, he conceived of an elaborate list of items, steps, and mechanisms to be structured into the production line. This master plan, the overview of the totality of the production line, can be compared with Rik Veda, which as we saw before is the "blueprint of creation."
Then the engineer worked out the details of every phase of the production process, by making drawings and designs of each and every step involved in the structuring dynamics. All with a view to facilitate the creation of a wonderful, shining automobile. These drawings and designs of the specific procedures involved in the production line can be compared to the 26 branches of Vedic Literature.
The workers who will eventually be involved in the production line may or may not want to know the details of this whole process. Many of them are just contented to do their allotted duty, and never bother about the other phases of the production line, which are dealt with by their colleages. Some workers are curious by nature, and they will want to have some overview of all the successive stages of production of the automobile. They are more alert than the others, and gradually they begin to comprehend more and more of the structuring dynamics that constitute the production line, both in its holistic and in its specific aspects.
Furthermore, the main engineer has provided a study room, in which he has placed all the descriptions, drawings and designs of the entire production process in all its stages. This encyclopaedia of descriptions and blueprints is always available to the workers. Some of them are interested in this master plan, while others are happy to remain ignorant about it.
This encyclopaedia of all knowledge regarding the production line, or in other words, the instruction manual of the production line, forms a wonderful analogy to the Veda and the Vedic Literature. The Rik Veda itself declares: "Yo jagara tam richa kamayante" - "He who is awake, the Richas seek him out" (Rik Veda 5.44.14). This means that when the consciousness is pure enough, we human beings automatically start to cognize, by mere intuition, the Mechanics of Creation, which are the structuring dynamics of our own consciousness.
Copyright © 1998. Drs. Frans Langenkamp, Ph.D. All rights reserved.